Greek singer Glikeria Kotsula from Greece sang in front of 200,000 people with tears in her eyes

Famous Roma pop singer Glikeria, 66, began her solo career back in 1974.

Her style of interpretation is absolutely special, full of depth, melancholy and endless emotion.

She has performed with many famous music names in her over 40 years of successful career.

At a performance in Israel in the summer of 1993. His performance was marked by a performance in his own version of the Israeli folk song "Shabechi Yerushaly'im" in Hebrew for "Praise the Lord for Jerusalem!"

Her deep connection with Israel culminated in 1998 when she was called to sing at a special memorial event for Iitzak Rabin who was killed in 1995.

That performance was marked by a tearful composition in front of an estimated 200,000 people in Tel Aviv's Rabin Square. That performance was accompanied by the Israeli Philharmonic.

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