Rocky from Shutka fulfills his dream of "It's never too late", and Prijovic's comment will remember him for life

As with any season, there will be contenders from Macedonia and the region struggling to make it to the finals, or first.

The first show of "It's Never Too Late" featured 60-year-old Rufat Selim Rocki from Skopje, more precisely from Shutka.

Otherwise Rocky has been a well-known name in Roma folks music for many years, but for the general public to use this chance is through this show to build a career,

Rocky said he wanted to be a big star, but that desire was not met because of a lack of funds.

Rocky comments about his singing were more than positive. "This song is sung like this. Awesome, no mistake ”was a short Prijovic short for a song by Shaban Saulic.

You can watch Rocky's performance in the video below at 18:09.


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