Here’s What Baba Vanga and Nostradamus Predicted for 2025 – Time Will Tell How Accurate They Were

The prophecies of the legendary Nostradamus and Baba Vanga overlap in 2025 – both announced a terrible event that would turn the entire world upside down.

Blind Bulgarian clairvoyant Baba Vanga, who has earned the reputation of a “local Nostradamus” thanks to her prophecies, has made terrifying predictions about what awaits us in 2025, while also warning that these events could trigger a global apocalypse.

Among other things, she said that continental Europe will be the scene of serious troubles that will affect everyone. Vanga says that at some point in 2025, a new war will break out between the two countries, and the consequences will reverberate throughout the world – and along the way, “destroy” Europe and the people who live there. You may not believe in such things, but it’s not easy to remain indifferent when you know that the real Nostradamus, centuries earlier, predicted much the same thing for 2025.

He warned that “those of the European countries” would be drawn into “brutal wars” at some point next year, adding that the UK would be involved, writes the Led Bible. However, that’s not the worst of it – Nostradamus also mentioned that “an ancient plague will be worse than the enemy”. Other predictions by Baba Vanga for next year include the beginning of the end of the world and telepathy, while some of Nostradamus’ verses have been interpreted as announcing the resolution of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and volcanic activity in Brazil.





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