The citizens of Š.Orizari on Friday at a protest at the mayor of the city of Skopje, Danela Arsovska. They will require regular public transport

The mayor of the municipality of Šuto Orizari, Kurto Dudush, announced a protest in front of the building of the City of Skopje from 1:30 p.m. on Friday (November 22). The reason for the protest is the worsening situation with public transportation, which causes huge problems for the citizens.

- We face the same problem every day - people wait for hours at bus stations. We cannot allow our children, women and old people to suffer in these minus temperatures, after two to three hours waiting for a bus, which may or may not come - said Dudush in a video address on his Facebook profile.

He added that the protest will be peaceful and called on all citizens, regardless of ethnicity, to join, because the problem with public transportation affects the entire city.

– This is not just Shuto Orizari's problem. This is a problem that affects all citizens of Skopje - emphasized Dudush.

The mayor expressed hope that the protest will encourage a reaction from the competent institutions and that measures will be taken to improve public transportation in the capital.

Residents of Shuto Orizari face huge challenges due to the lack of public transport, especially in recent cold weeks. The inability to get to work, school or the doctor on time forces citizens to look for alternative solutions, such as sharing the cost of taxis, which significantly burdens their budget.

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