North Macedonia: Post-election combinatorics - Government without Roma representatives - "Already seen" but without DUI after 20 years in power - stabilization or destabilization?

On May 8, in the parliamentary and presidential elections, the citizens gave their "verdict" on how the country should continue in the next four years. While we think that many problems can be solved through elections, now the country can enter another labyrinth of post-election combinatorics, starting with the formation of the government, constitutional amendments, the implementation of the Prespa Agreement, as well as many other issues that are fundamental to the state. .

The day after the announcement of the first election results by the SEC, the Assembly of North Macedonia will look like this -

The "Your Macedonia" coalition, led by VMRO-DPMNE, secured 58 mandates in the parliamentary elections, "EUROPEAN FRONT" coalition - DUI

19 mandates, COALITION FOR THE EUROPEAN FUTURE - SDSM - 18 mandates, COALITION VLEN - 13 mandates. Political Party LEVICA - 6 mandates and Movement ZNAM - For Our Macedonia - 6 mandates. And they immediately started with post-election combinatorics.

It is almost likely that this composition of the Government will also be without Roma representatives or "Already seen".

But according to VMRO, DPMNE has previously announced that it does not intend to ally with DUI as part of the Albanian bloc. But without a DUI after 20 years in power, what should be expected? Stabilization or destabilization? The leader of VMRO DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, said in the Samo interview show on Kanal 5 that before forming a coalition with other parties, we need to consolidate 61 parliamentary seats. He emphasized that he is ready for all kinds of scenarios from the DUI, after Ali Ahmeti's message that he should respect the results of the elections in order to have peace and stability in the country.

On May 8, the political scene took on a new dimension in the country, with the overwhelming victory of the opposition parties in the parliamentary elections. This victory brought to light the distrust of a large part of the electorate towards everything that happened in these years. Now, with the new political mandate, expectations are high for changes in the approach to many topics. What this is due to is the million dollar question.

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