Almost 3,500 women from Shuto Orizari have not chosen a family gynecologist

On the occasion of Women's Health Week 2024, the Macedonian Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (MAGO) is organizing a symposium at which data on the HPV vaccine, vaccination in pregnancy, the role of obesity in pregnancy and the Standard Operating Procedure of Centers for victims of sexual violence will be presented.

According to data from the Ministry of Health and the Health Insurance Fund, there are 2,500 women in Shuto Orizari who are health insured but have not chosen a family gynecologist, and about 1,000 women who are not insured and do not have a family gynecologist. According to the legal regulations in R. S. Macedonia, every individual, regardless of work status, can get health insurance and thereby acquire the right to free health services.


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