After the Suto Orizari Tragedy - Will the Fire Rescue Institutions in Suto Orizari React Now?

After the great tragedy in тоuto Orizari where two children were killed at the age of 3 and 1 and a half years old and engulfed in four more houses, now the institutions and the state seem to be "awakening"


In addition to the fire trucks, there were police on site and three ambulances were on the scene.

-Intervention was initially with two vehicles from the sub-center Bit Pazar, and after that we sent two more vehicles from Avtokomanda.


Residents of Suto Orizari complain that fires are quite common and a major problem in their municipality. They say it has taken years to set up a fire brigade there, but the institutions seem to be deaf to their demands.


- It is time no matter who comes to power to set up a fire brigade to prevent such unpleasant events. If we have the time, the way and the energy to organize bales, organize various events, we can and must establish a local fire fighting unit, say the revolted Shuto Orizari citizens


Following the tragedy were the technical prime minister Oliver Spasovski and the technical minister for labor and social affairs Rachela Mizrahi, the mayor of the municipality of Kurto Dudush and others.

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