The changes in the SDSM are continuing, named by 30 representatives of municipal organizations. In Shuto Orizari named Asan Ferat

In its statement to the public SDSM noted:
The initiated process of change in the interests of the citizens, in the interest of the future, continues.

As we announced, the changes begin from here, from the SDSM, the party leader of the Government and the parliamentary majority, the party leader of the state's progress.

The President Zoran Zaev, according to his authority, indicated 30 presidents of the Municipal Organizations at the SDSM.
Half of the 15 outlined ones are newly named.

According to this list, the newly appointed SDSM Municipal President for the Municipality of Suto Orizari is the well-known businessman from this municipality, Asan Ferat.

In addition, municipal officials have changed the function in the following municipalities:
Struga, Shtip, Gjorce Petrov, Karpoš, Kriva Palanka, Rosoman, Sveti Nikole, Kočani, Lozovo, Vinica, Pehčevo, Brvenica, Kratovo, Novo Selo, Čaška, Berovo, Delčevo, Kruševo, Resen, Tearce, Kumanovo, Rankovce, Cucer Sandevo, Bogdanci, Konce, Radovis, Debar and Ohrid.


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