Roma - the hero of socialist work, Arif, known as "thousand". Devaluation of a smile

In the former Yugoslavia during socialism, the working class was presented as the foundation of the entire system, and being a good worker was a matter of prestige. As a reward for their hard work, the workers received decorations, diplomas and recognitions and became an example for the whole society. They were the heroes of socialist work, the bright spots that showed which path everyone else should follow.

One of those who deserved to be highlighted is the miner Arif Heralić, a Roma from Bosnia. The photographer of the magazine "Borba" took a picture of him at his workplace, and that photo became the trademark of the one thousand dinar banknote.

It was a tribute to the common man, the worker, because it is common for bank notes to have the images of famous historical figures or politicians. The socialist system propagated the working class and gave it the most important place in society.

That's how it happened that one Roma deserved to be on the banknote that many Yugoslavs wanted. This banknote is popularly called the "som" dinar. Some say this stems from Arif wearing large mining glasses that resembled catfish eyes.

You can read the whole story about Heralić at the following link

In 1967, a documentary film "Devaluation of a Smile" was made based on his life, which you can watch below:



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