If there is no money, there are loans - citizens with a debt of about 2 billion euros

Macedonian citizens both save, but also want to borrow from the bank.

Which is completely normal, because otherwise they would not be able to find an apartment for many years, or buy any electrical devices for their home, and some also to provide education for their child, and even those who take credit to go on vacation.

The National Bank of Macedonia published the latest data on deposits and loans for March, and the data on loans show that the Macedonian still borrows mostly through consumer loans.

Namely, at the end of March, consumer loans reached the level of 1.98 billion euros, which is an increase of 13.3 million euros in one month, compared to April. This means that citizens on the basis of consumer loans are "dangerously" approaching a debt of two billion euros.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that many of the citizens take a consumer loan to buy a car, especially for the purchase of second-hand cars, because the procedure is much simpler.



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