Fires in Roma settlements are becoming more frequent, the material damages are enormous, and there are often human casualties!

In the last few years, fires in Roma settlements across Serbia have become more frequent, causing serious concern for the safety of residents and serious consequences for the environment. While the Roma community faces a series of social, economic and environmental challenges, the fires represent an additional burden that must be faced.

The most important consequence of the fire is endangering the safety of the residents. Frequent fires often lead to loss of life, injuries and destruction of homes. Residents of Roma settlements, often faced with low socio-economic status and lack of access to basic resources, are particularly vulnerable in these situations.

In the past period, 22 Roma settlements in the south of Serbia received fire extinguishers, and local volunteer firefighters were trained to react in risky situations. Fires in Roma settlements also have serious environmental consequences. The burning of plastic, electrical equipment and other waste leads to the release of harmful gases and poisonous substances into the atmosphere, polluting the air and soil. These consequences can have long-term effects on the environment and the health of the local community.






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