Tragedy in Bar, Montenegro: Four people from a Roma national post died in a fire, including two minor children and a nineteen-year-old girl

Four people of Roma nationality died in a fire in Bar, in the non-Roma settlement under Volujica hill.

Among the victims is a nineteen-year-old girl, two minors and a woman, the Red Cross and the police told "Vijesti".

Unofficially, the police confirmed for "Vijesti" that one person was injured and suffered minor burns.

The causes of the fire, which broke out in the early hours of the morning, are not yet known.

Unofficially, it is assumed that the cause of the fire is a wood stove. After the expert's opinion on fires and explosions, the exact cause will be known," she said, Mediabiro reported. "It doesn't surprise me, we were just waiting for something like this to happen because no one cares about the Roma in Bar, the only question was how much the damage would be," said Ljiljana Vujovic from NVU Zene Bar, who is in constant contact with the families of the deceased. which she visited.

The Red Cross is on the ground and brings food and help to the families of the victims. A supermarket donated groceries, sandwiches, water, juices and sweets, which the police officers distributed to those who needed help.

"At four o'clock and 35 minutes, members of the Protection and Rescue Service informed the duty officers in the Bar Security Department that there was a fire in the assembly sheds under Volujica, where the Roma population lives. The fire engulfed several makeshift dwellings. A team of firefighters from Bar arrived at the scene with several vehicles, and four unidentified bodies were found during the extinguishing of the fire," the police told Radio Bar and Bar Info.






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