More than half of Macedonians do not have money for a vacation

Over half of Macedonians cannot afford annual vacation, according to the analysis of the statistics portal "Landgeist", based on Eurostat data.

55 percent of the country's residents cannot afford a one-week annual vacation away from their place of residence. Albania, where 58.3% of citizens cannot go on vacation, Turkey (60.8%), Romania (62.5%), Montenegro (67.2%) and Kosovo (69) are worse than us in Europe. .5%). In Greece, the percentage of people who cannot afford annual leave is 48.8, in Bulgaria 43.8, in Serbia 43.6, Croatia 41.7, and in Slovenia 16.7.

A vacation longer than a week during the year can be mostly afforded by residents of Luxembourg where only 7.6 percent do not have such an opportunity, in Norway (7.9%), Switzerland (8.4%) and in Iceland (8, 6%). 21.9% of the Germans, 23.4% of the British, 25.4% of the French and 36.6% of the Spanish cannot go on vacation.

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