Statements with a column for ethnicity will wait. The Constitutional Court postponed the application of the new Guidelines

After an almost two-hour hearing, the Constitutional Court with five votes "for" and two "against" adopted a temporary measure to postpone the application of the Ministry of Justice's Instruction, which foresees the insertion of a column for ethnicity in the extracts from the registers, and the procedure for evaluating the constitutionality of the Instruction to continue.

After this decision, Minister Krener Loga stated that the Constitutional Court "opened Pandora's box", because the constitutional deadline for publishing by-laws in the Official Gazette was not respected on many occasions.

Judges Naser Aidari and Fatmir Skender also voted against this decision of the Constitutional Court.

According to Minister Krener, Loga with a nationality count does not violate the laws, but is in accordance with the Law on Civil Registry, the Ministry of Justice said, sharing photos of the new statements.

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