Population census in Serbia: Roma are around 132,000, or 16,000 less than in 2011

Half a year after the end of the census, the first official data have been published showing that Serbia has half a million less inhabitants than in 2011.

Today, 6,647,003 people live in Serbia, of which 3,231,978 are men, and almost 3,415,025 are women, the Republic Institute of Statistics (RSO) announced.

80 percent of those enumerated, 5,360,239 people, declared themselves as Serbs, which is about 600,000 less than in 2011.

Hungarians are the most numerous - 184,442, followed by Bosniaks 152,801 and Roma 131,936. In contrast to 10 years ago, the number of Roma is 16,000 less, when they were 148,000.

In the response to the N1 portal, the Institute states that in that category there were those who declared themselves as "Jedi, aliens, Martians, spacemen, Klingons, inhabitants of the planet Earth, cosmopolitans, stars, partisans, hobbits, Lilliputians, Vikings. , Apaches, punks, cones, pokemons, rockers, vampires…”

Residents of Serbia by nationality in 2022.

  • Serbs 5,360,239
  • Hungarians 184,442
  • Bosniaks 153,801
  • Roma 131,936
  • Albanians 61,687
  • Slovaks 41,730
  • Croats 39,107
  • Yugoslavs 27,143
  • Romanians 23,044
  • Vlasi 21,013
  • Montenegrins 20,238
  • Macedonians 14,767
  • Muslims 13,011
  • Bulgarians 12,918
  • Routinians 11,483
  • Bunjevci 11,104
  • Russians 10,486


Link: https://www.bbc.com/serbian/lat/srbija-64056085


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