The blackest day in Serbia: Nine dead, seven students in the operating room, one girl fighting for her life

Nine people died in the shooting that happened this morning around eight o'clock in the elementary school in Vracar in Belgrade. Among the victims there are also children, as well as a school guard, while six children and a teacher were wounded and were treated in the Urgentni center and Tirsova. The student Kosta K. (14) was arrested for the shooting.

Dragan Vlahovic, a school guard, was the first victim of Kosta K. (14) who killed nine people this morning in the mass shooting at the "Vladislav Ribnikar" school in Vracar.

In the elementary school where the shooting took place, as reported by, a backpack containing weapons, ammunition and Molotov cocktails, i.e. bottles with flammable liquid, was found. At this time, it is not known for sure if Costa K. (14), the student who was arrested for the shooting, brought that backpack to school.

According to, Kosta K. (14) first shot the guard who tried to take his weapon and stop him.

As we learn, Costa, with a weapon in his hand, wandered into the school. The guard saw this and went to stop him, when the student shot him. He first shot three people in the school hallway, then burst into a history class and started shooting. At least 15 bullets were fired from two magazines.


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