Young people from North Macedonia can apply for free tickets to travel around Europe

The European Commission announced a call for a free train ticket for traveling around Europe, to which young people from North Macedonia can apply.

Applications for participation in the Discover EU initiative will last until March 29, and 35,000 selected candidates will receive a free pass, the MIA correspondent from Belgrade reported.

The invitation is open to young people born between July 1, 2004 and June 30, 2005 from EU member states and countries included in the Erasmus+ program, such as Serbia, North Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey, the Commission announced.

Those interested should apply through the European Youth Portal, answer five quiz questions about the EU and other EU youth initiatives and one additional question.

Selected candidates will be able to travel to Europe for a maximum of 30 days, in the period from June 15, 2023 to September 30, 2024.

-This year's participants will be able to discover the new route of the European Bauhaus, launched in January 2023, whose aim is to inspire young people in the choice of their destinations and to raise awareness of the importance of co-creating a "beautiful, sustainable Europe", says the announcement of the EC.

Participants will also be able to take advantage of initiatives launched during 2022, the European Year of Youth, such as the Cultural Route of the "Discover the EU" initiative, which combines different destinations and cultural branches, including architecture, music , fine arts, theater, fashion and design.

Winners of the pass will be able to visit European Capitals of Culture, places on the UNESCO World Heritage List, sites with the European Heritage Label or places that have received city accessibility awards.

They will also be able to use a discount card with more than 40,000 discounts on public transport, cultural and sporting events, accommodation, food and other services available in eligible countries.

National agencies for the Erasmus+ program will have information meetings with selected candidates to prepare them for the trip, and persons with disabilities or health problems will receive additional support and accompaniment during the trip.

The Discover EU initiative was launched in June 2018 and is included in the new Erasmus program for the period 2021-2027.

Since 2018, 212,700 people have received travel cards, and almost 916,000 applicants have applied. According to the latest post-travel survey, 72 percent of applicants said it was their first time traveling by train outside their country, and for many it was their first trip without parents or other adults.

The trip helped most of the participants become more independent, get to know other cultures and European history, and improve their knowledge of a foreign language, the statement said.

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