Anabela is a graduate student in law: I show the Roma how important education is by personal example

Anabela Saćipović (24), a graduate of the Faculty of Law in Niš, is one of the most successful and socially engaged young Roma women in Niš. She is also one of the best examples of overcoming the stigma of this society and the inclusion of young people in all spheres of society.

Although she is only 24 years old, Anabela can boast of participating in a large number of projects of non-governmental organizations, as well as one year of volunteer work in the Office for Local Economic Development of the City of Niš.

"There are stereotypes that Roma are dirty, that they steal, that they don't get an education, that they are lazy." We who are educated try to show a different image of the Roma. Many Roma are now enrolling in high school and college. There are ten of us at the Faculty of Law, and at least one at the other faculties, but usually more. Of course, that is still not enough, it has to be more, but if we look at how it was ten years ago, we have moved on. Especially the Decade of Roma influenced it. She brought affirmative measures and helped a lot to improve the position of Roma in the field of education. Now one of the biggest problems is employment. When Roma men and women finish school, it is more difficult for them to find a job, precisely because of discrimination, but I hope that they will work on that issue," said Anabela.


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