Rona Hartner, dubbed by the French press "Tornada"

Actress and singer Rona Hartner was born on March 9, 1973 in Bucharest. He attended courses at the German school "Hermann Obert" in Bucharest (1979-1991), and from 1992 he started courses at the Academy of Theater and Film in Bucharest.

In 1996, he met the French director Tony Gatliff, who was looking for an actress for the film "Gajo Dilo" ("The Crazy Foreigner"), which was shot in Romania, and she got the role of the main actor and singer in the film, according to the said site. This role brought her several awards at various festivals, such as the "Bronze Leopard" (Special Performance Award) at the Locarno International Film Festival, as well as a nomination for the Cesar Award. Rona Hartner has lived in France for over 20 years.

As an artist, she also focused on other fields, as a singer (jazz, rock, reggae, alternative rock, blues, including instruments - guitar, saxophone, piano) and dancer.



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