Let's remember: The excellent student Enis Omerović from Zagreb, cries and does not want to go to school for fear: "They are very rude to us"

Although he is an excellent student, Enis Omerovic no longer wants to go to school. "They are very rude to us, they are very rude to us...", through tears, little Enis told the reporter of "Dnevnik Nova" TV, Ivanka Chuljak.

The new classmates - as he calls them - do not respect him at all. "When we come to them, they immediately chase us, tell us that we are stupid gypsies and all kinds of simple words," adds Enis.

As if they are not already punished enough by the conditions in which they are forced to live. "We live here, two families in this container, so it's not easy for us, there's no bathroom, no water, our electricity goes out almost every day, so we have to repeat it somehow, if we don't have electricity. we have no place to wash the children, cook or anything else", says Enis Omerovic


Link: https://dnevnik.hr/vijesti/hrvatska/potresna-ispovjest-malisan-place-i-od-straha-ne-zeli-vise-u-skolu-oni-su-prema-nama-jako-bezobrazni---419419.html?fbclid=IwAR2M8KCl5zFHxVSFuTUCEK40J7fwRKiWr-DlJVE14c_t0f30FvFrXxATxN4

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