The University of Bucharest withdraws the title of Doctor Honoris Causa awarded to Marshal Ion Antonescu

Ion Antonescu was found guilty of war crimes, sentenced to death on May 17, 1946 by the People's Court in Bucharest.

The court that convicted Ion Antonescu was assimilated into the system of tribunals that tried the war crimes of the leaders of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, according to a University press release.

During his authoritarian rule, the marshal displayed a strong anti-Semitic attitude, a fact publicly stated on many occasions.

"As such, even if the number of Romanian Jews and those from the territories under Romanian administration killed during the Holocaust cannot be precisely determined, the conclusion of the International Commission for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania is that during that period in Romania and in the territories under his control between 280,000 and 380,000 Romanian and Ukrainian Jews were killed or died as a result of the repression. To them is added a large part of 25,000 ethnic Roma sent to Transnistria.



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