The construction of 12 apartments in Bujanovac for Roma displaced from Kosovo begins

The head of the municipal department for urban planning, Basri Memeti, said that the public procurement for the contractor has already been opened and that the plan is to build 12 apartments on Jaqima Gjosica street, where a residential building for displaced persons from Kosovo will be built. was built in 2014. 350 thousand euros have been secured from the funds of the European Union and are ready for the construction of new apartments through the "European Union Support for Social Housing and Active Inclusion" Program.

As Memeti said, ten houses in Bujanovac villages will be bought for the socially endangered. The construction of social housing was vehemently opposed by Alternative for Change councilors at the Assembly session in February 2021, when the location for the building was determined. Then they made accusations that the apartments are to the detriment of the Albanians, that is, that they will change the ethnic structure in Bujanovac, and that among the users there will surely be "one of the rapists of 20,000 women in Kosovo or murderers". Then they left the ruling majority and have been in opposition ever since. These allegations were immediately denied by the leaders of the local authorities, and then by representatives of the OSCE and UNHCR in Serbia.



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