AP Vojvodina: New discrimination against Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians in Vojvodina

The Government of AP Vojvodina and its President Igor Mirović have awarded contracts worth over 350,000 euros to 9 newspaper publishing companies for the publication and printing of 22 newspapers in 9 minority languages. For almost a decade and more, there has been a complete blockade of any form of support for independent media and Roma intellectuals and activists who have refused to obey any Serbian political party.

The National Council of the Roma National Minority has clearly proven by its behavior that it does not work in the interest of the Roma community, because information is one of the 4 focuses of action of all councils, but it has completely put itself at the service of the Serbian advanced party and their political campaigns Only which is confirmed by the latest decision of Igor Mirović, the Prime Minister of Vojvodina.

The money went to Madjar So, Het NAP, GLAS LJUDI, Libertatea, Ruske Slovo, Hrvatska Riec, Bunjevacka Novine Macedonian Information Center and Ridne Slovo. There is nothing for Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians in Vojvodina.


Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/270217493103991

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