Some Romani social media users are falling for Czech YouTuber's manipulative video alleging a "mobilization" is being prepared

The Czech Government is allegedly quietly preparing to mobilize its citizens for military deployment: That rumor is currently spreading among some Romani social media users. Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, this particular segment of Romani social media users has been massively impacted by the disinformation wave that is, paradoxically, being pushed by exactly the same people who were attacking the Roma here several years ago.

This latest instance of disinformation about an alleged mobilization is because of Jana Bobošíková‘s manipulative video. It was exactly this politician who harshly attacked Romani people several years ago during her election campaign, labeling them “inadaptables”.

Speaking on her YouTube program “Just To Be Clear” (

), Bobošíková, who has failed in her recent bids to play various roles both in and out of politics, alleges that the Government is supposedly “quietly, very rapidly” arranging for a mobilization. The video scares people by naming the kinds of people who would supposedly be affected by mobilization and punishments people would supposedly risk for failing to join the Army.

Her message is a gross manipulation of the facts.



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