Who is the German lawyer who opposed fascism and Nazism?

A lawyer with a brilliant intellect, a man with a strong sense of justice, a fierce opponent of Nazism and fascism, an intellectual who spoke several European languages, a lover of classical music and Rilke's poetry, this is how historians describe Hans Litten, a well-known lawyer who virtuously defended the rights of citizens and workers, fighting the battle against Nazism in the courtroom, where he managed to personally humiliate Hitler with his arguments.

Hans Lieten was born in 1903 in Halle to Irmgard and Friedrich Litten. He inherited his love of law from his father Friedrich Lieten, a prominent German lawyer and respected professor, dean and rector of the University of K Кnigsberg, where he taught Roman and civil law.

Litten's biographers write that his mother aroused in him an interest in art, but also a sense of justice and fairness. Raised in such a spirit, Litten rejected social opportunism during his youth and, along with his friend the writer Max First, embraced revolutionary and socialist ideas.

Although he initially wanted to study art history, he soon realized that through law, especially in the field of justice, he could practically dedicate himself to defending the rights of citizens and workers.


Link: https://akademik.mk/hans-liten-germanskiot-advokat-koj-im-se-sprotivstavi-na-fashizmot-i-natsizmot/

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