Why will the Roma in Hungary not have a representative in parliament?

In fact, one million Roma live in Hungary and many face serious problems, but instead of helping, many Roma politicians are embroiled in conflict and corruption. Orban's authorities are encouraging him, writes DV.

Delegates loudly interrupted the speaker, jumped, stopped just before the start of the beating - this happened on January 31, 2022, at the meeting of the National Self-Government of the Hungarian Roma (ORO). The meeting was a last resort to elect a candidate to represent the Roma in parliament, to which every recognized minority in Hungary is entitled.

When the session ended at 23:59, it was clear: the legal deadline had expired and the official interest group of Hungarian Roma would not send a representative to parliament in the next legislative term.

This is the last event in the conflict that has long divided the association. On the one hand, there is the Roma non-governmental youth association Firos, and on the other, the Lungo Drom (Long Debt) organization, which has supported Fidesz for years, the right-wing ruling party of Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

The two organizations wanted to push their candidate - in the end, neither is there.


Link: https://www.dw.com/sr/ma%C4%91arska-za%C5%A1to-romi-ne%C4%87e-imati-svog-predstavnika-u-parlamentu/a-60756481

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