The Roma party condemned the attack on the H1 journalist in Nis

The chairman of the Roma party, Srdjan Shine, condemned the attack by H1 journalist Milan Stojanovic in Nis.

"For the Roma Party, journalists are a control branch of government and we will fight for it to get a special status. "Apart from the legislature, the executive and the judiciary, journalists have a special position in modern democracies," Shine said.

He assessed that the attack on the journalists must be treated as an attack on the authorities and that a new penal policy should be defined in that direction.

The H1 reporter from Nis was attacked this morning by employees of JKP Naisus while filming the crossing of Njegoseva Street.

UNS: Punish the persons who intimidated the journalist Milan Stojanović in Niš

The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) today condemned the intimidation of H1 TV journalist Milan Stojanovic, who was attacked this morning in Nis by employees of the Naisus Public Utility Company while preparing a report on the removal of the water supply network on Njegoseva Street. .

In a statement, UNS asked the prosecution to initiate proceedings against the perpetrators of the incident.



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