Serbia: Three members of the Roma community on the SNS electoral list for "Aleksandar Vucic" - We can be together

Unlike the previous parliamentary elections, when the ruling Serbian Progressive Party "Aleksandar Vucic - for our children" had two Roma candidates for deputies, now there are three.

In the parliamentary benches of the SNS, during the dissolution, candidates for deputies are the romologist Dragoljub Ackovic from Belgrade and the specialized professional educator Sandra Jokovic from Kraljevo.

For the first time since voting for deputies, one Roma woman was highly ranked on the parliamentary electoral list, and this time it is the opera artist Natasa Tasic Knezevic, who is in the high 16th place on the list of candidates for deputies of the Serbian Progressive Party. The party "Aleksandar Vuči - We can be together"

In 105th place is the well-known long-time activist Romolog Dragoljub Ackovic from Belgrade.

The specialized professional educator Sandra Joković from Kraljevo is on the 125th place on the list of candidates for deputies of the Serbian Progressive Party "Aleksandar Vučić" - Together we can ". Jokovic was also a companion in the convening of the Serbian Parliament, which was dissolved two days ago.



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