Dreams and wishes of the Roma

The poems of 27 Roma authors in two languages, Romani and Serbian, can be found in the recently published poetry collection (anthology) bilingually entitled "Romengo Suno" - "Romani Dream". The publisher is the Association of Roma Writers of Serbia, and the book was published by the Ministry of Culture.

In this bilingual edition, the closeness and differences of two poetics, lyric, grammar, are intertwined, as a special contribution to two literatures. The life challenges and dreams of the Roma, the feelings, thoughts are presented here on 320 pages with songs by Rajko Djuric (former editor of "Politika"), Trifun Dimic, Predrag Jovicic, Baja Saitovic, Desanka Rangelovic, Bajram Haliti, Istvan. Djuric, Maja Jovanovic, Jovan Nikolic and other authors.

The value of the collection "Roma Dream", which is dominated by social, love, descriptive and thoughtful poems about the life of Roma and their customs, traditions, dreams, is not only philological and cultural, but also bilingual, because it is written in Serbian. and Roma, the writer Slobodan Ristoviкнува points out in his preface, concluding that it is a significant contribution to the development of Roma and general literature.


Link: https://www.politika.rs/sr/clanak/499540/Snovi-i-zelje-Roma

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