Kumanovo: Discrimination or arbitrariness of a music teacher against a Roma student

The professor of music at the high school "Goce Delchev" and also the conductor of the school chamber orchestra called Simfonium, Filip Petrovski, according to the parents of the student Duran Durov had a pedagogical attitude towards their son who was part of this orchestra and never informed the parents. he thinks in a very self-centered way that he owns the orchestra.

In fact, according to the chronology of events according to Duran's parent, Orhan Durov is a master in directing and acting by profession, the removal of his son from the orchestra began on his son's birthday when he invited several of his friends to a birthday party Orhan suggested that the children be part of his next projects, involving the entire orchestra under the baton of conductor Filip Petrovski after signing a contract with the director of the High School Marija Todorovska. The children agreed.

Intending to introduce Professor Petrovski and the director of the high school to his idea, the next day when Duran went to a music rehearsal he was removed from the orchestra without a clear explanation.

After several days of insistence, Duran finds out that he and his father allegedly worked behind the professor's back. Even after several weeks of psychological torture together with his parents, removed from the rehearsals of the orchestra, he received a promise from the school principal that he would be returned to the orchestra for the main event, the concert in Kumanovo on February 14. But Duran as a keyboardist instead of the whole concert, he participated only in a small part and then he was removed and watched the whole concert together with his parents c in the audience.

According to Orhan's parent, this is a classic discrimination on a national basis and a humiliation of Duran, and he announced the outcome of this whole situation and protests to resolve this whole situation.


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