Flash mob for greater visibility of Roma

A flash mob consisting of 40 participants, Roma, Macedonians, Belgians, Germans and Spaniards on February 14 held an interesting performance at two locations on Macedonia Square. The idea, as the organizer Srdjan Amet said, is through art to overcome the intolerance and discrimination that are most prevalent among the Roma population.

It was the flash mob that aimed to connect young Roma and other young people, thereby raising awareness of Roma inclusion in art. More than 40 participants took part, Roma and other young people, ie Belgians, Spaniards, Macedonians and Germans, including students from the high school "Shaip Yusuf" from Suto Orizari, and led by the theater "Roma" from Skopje. The idea was to bring young people together through music and to clear up misunderstandings between them, said Amet, who is the national coordinator of the European NGO Madame Fortuna, based in the Kingdom of Belgium.

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