About 30,000 Roma in Ukraine have no documents

A Roma activist Julian Kondur shares why Roma culture is associated with the criminal world and poverty, where most Roma live in Ukraine and what problems they have faced during the quarantine.

If we take a situation where a person has no documents and cannot be identified but needs medical care, then the health care reform does not play into our hands.  If the declaration with the family doctor has not been signed, it seems that such people should not be taken to the hospital, and the ambulance should not come to them at all.

In fact, this is not the case, because Ukraine has signed the International Covenant on Human Rights - a number of conventions that along with other things guarantee everyone access to medical services. Also, sometimes such a thing as humanity works - with the help of the mediators. If a person is denied medical services, we can sometimes intervene and explain that nothing will be violated if these services are still provided.


Link: https://ukraine.un.org/en/106824-about-30000-roma-ukraine-have-no-documents-story-roma-activist



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