Will cryptocurrencies be officially recognized in Macedonia?

The Ministry of Finance, through a new law on prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, will put in order the "gray" area in which the payment and trading of cryptocurrencies is neither prohibited nor allowed in our country.

Article 8 of the Draft Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism regulates virtual service providers.

Currently in Macedonia cryptocurrencies are most often resold among those who have them, or through several crypto exchange offices in Skopje and online who charge a commission for tips for exchanging digital money. Cryptocurrencies can also be purchased with a bank card from an official exchange that accepts bank cards.

The value of cryptocurrencies has plummeted in recent months. Otherwise, a larger amount of electricity is used for their "digging", for which in the past period the police and EVN discovered dozens of mass thefts of electricity.

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