The Roma Democratic Union - RDS asks: Is it time to start the "Roma Political Front"?

Is it time for the Roma and the Roma political elite to focus on acting and forming a "Roma political front"?

Is it time to "sober up" and be realistic that this front can bring some positive changes, especially to the Roma community.

Do we need to reconsider and do a retrospective and see the current situation and the situation we have reached.

To list everything that the Roma community has gained, and what it has lost with the introduction of pluralism in the Republic of Macedonia, will be just a waste of time.

The opinion is that it is necessary to turn over a "new leaf".

And that new list, according to RDS, is the action of the "Roma Front". How should that "Roma Front" function?


It must be said at the outset - the elimination of all self-righteous, selfish, stand-up politicians, careerists, hypocrites, "instant politicians" as well as self-proclaimed leaders or the leader of a human party.

We need people who put the Roma community first, not party affiliation. Unity and joint action are needed. We need cohesion, not intrigue, intrigue.

This means that unity is needed like never before.

If there is a change in the electoral model, it is a chance for us Roma to act together, because with a law passed for one constituency and individual performance, the results would literally be catastrophic.

With joint lists and if this electoral model is adopted with one constituency without a threshold, then there will be practically no need for the smaller political parties to enter some pre-election coalitions, but each party will be able to present itself in the elections and present it. its program and then on the basis of the support received from the citizens, where it is everywhere in democratic countries to make agreements for further coalition,

This is a good chance for joint action as - Roma Front.

The Roma Front would be good to be a joint action of all Roma political factors and to achieve the desired goal together.

That list would include people who have confidence in the Roma community, regardless of party affiliation.

All those represented on that list who would gain possible trust from the electorate and take positions in the legislative and executive power (MP, Minister, Deputy Minister) in further action (representation in the second and third echelon) then those persons and parties whose representatives are not in the legislature and the executive to achieve an equal balance.

Only in this way, united and united, the Roma Front would be an important segment in the political action and to occupy a higher place in the institutional hierarchy, and a factor in the political decisions.

Then they would not be so easily "set aside" and on the sidelines. Then they would be an important factor in making various decisions at the state level.

I will repeat once again that here we need brave, progressive intellectuals who, without forgiveness and fear, will know what they need to look for. For self-righteous, selfish, stand-up politicians, careerists, hypocrites, "instant politicians" as well as self-proclaimed leaders or leaders of a party, halflings, armchairs, trucks, etc., there is no place in the Roma front. Let's be clean!

RDS as the initiator of this option on the Roma Political Front has a strategy, idea and guarantees for its action. All stakeholders, if they wish, can very easily come and agree with the RDS on its implementation. RDS is at your disposal.

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