Roma people in South America, led by IRU Vice President for South America Elisa Costa, demand equal access to vaccines for Roma

IRU Vice President for South America Elisa Costa forwarded a letter with information that forwarded with new signatures on January 31, 20022, to the Federal Prosecutor's Office for the Rights of the Citizen/Federal Public Ministry, signed by organizations representing the Romani people.
It is about access to the vaccine for those who are in a situation of extreme social vulnerability;
For children who have been orphaned by COVID19, an action by the Federal Government that assures them the right to a dignified life.
I would like to inform you that the House of Representatives, through the Mixed Parliamentary Front for the Rights of Children and Adolescents, received this request today from Federal Deputy Maria do Rosário PT/RS and signaled that it will make efforts to help this demand.
What kills is the virus, vaccines save lives. Unfortunately many Rom, for various reasons and a lot of misinformation, are afraid to vaccinate their children up to 12 years. We have already warned in the letter about the high rate of fake news.
Brazil continues with high contamination by the Omicron variant, and again with an increasing increase in deaths (approximately 89% of people who were not vaccinated).
Major networks for research and protection of children signed the letter, among them, professors, lawyers, judges, prosecutors, and specialists, as well as renowned universities and research institutes.

This was the first official action of IRU South America, Brazil and Argentina and the document will be sent with the same content to the UN Minorities Rapporteur and PAHO.
Sincerely, with best wishes for health and freedom;

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