Not Wanted: Roma Graduates Remain Jobless in Kosovo

Agraduate in both Sociology and Infirmary, 27-year-old Fatlum Kryeziu’s is one of many members of Kosovo’s minority communities with higher educational qualifications seeking a job in vain. For this member of the Roma community, having university diplomas in his CV has not helped at all. Kryeziu says he has applied multiple times for a job in public institutions, without success. The most frequent answer he has received for rejection was that a Bachelor’s degree is not enough for the positions he has applied for.

Many other young people from his community have a similar problem.

Even if highly educated, they remain on the fringes of mainstream society, as well as being targets of anti-Gypsy prejudice and discrimination.

Kosovo’s Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities have faced problems with employment for years. Even with university degrees, they remain excluded from society.



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