Juan de Dios Ramírez-Heredia - Lawyer and journalist: Slovak census: more than 156,000 people declared to belong to Roma ethnicity, and more than 100,000 declared to have Romani as their mother tongue

Some 500,000 Roma live in this small country in Central Europe, bordered by Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east and Hungary to the south. And of them, 7,000 Roma live in the Lunik IX neighborhood, in the Slovak city of Kosice, —considered a true ghetto in the heart of Europe.

When the Slovak authorities decided to carry out the census of its population last year, they allowed the citizenship to register and to indicate their belonging to up to two nationalities. This was controversial, especially among groups belonging to ethnic minorities. Obviously, citizens of Hungarian descent opposed the possibility to include a second nationality. However, a total of 5,153,712 inhabitants responded to the nationality question.

The majority of the Hungarians mentioned a single nationality, 422,100 of them (7.75% of the respondents), while the people who mentioned their nationality as Roma came in second place.

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