The PRO employs 40 people, 25 of them Albanians, four Macedonians and Turks each, as well as 3 Roma. Roma will be paid around 220 or 300 euros

There will be new employments in the Public Revenue Office. As many as 40 new people will be accepted in the tax administration of the country.

Out of these 40 jobs, for 25 jobs as a condition in the advertisements it is stated that they should be Albanians by nationality.

Then, four of those who will be accepted will be Macedonians, and four Turks according to their ethnicity. Three of the new hires are expected to be Roma, two Serbs, one Bosniak and one of another nationality.

Various profiles of staff are required - assistants, associates, clerks ..., and their salaries will be 500 or 550 euros, but there are also those of 220 or 300 euros.

And you are already guessing that those salaries of around 220 or 300 euros are reserved for the Roma.

The PRO will employ a younger tax operator in call centers and will receive a salary of less than 320 euros.

There is also a position for Roma for two junior officers for general and common affairs, and they will receive salaries of 220 euros each.



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