Czech Police prosecuting one of the men who assaulted Romani people in Sokolov this summer, Internal Affairs says officers' procedure was correct

The Czech Police have launched the criminal prosecution of one of the assailants who attacked Romani people in Sokolov earlier this year. On the other hand, the behavior of several persons who insulted the intervening police officers in a vulgar fashion has been reported to the relevant local administrative body as misdemeanors against civil coexistence.

The behavior of the officers who intervened at the scene of the clash has also been investigated by the Department of Internal Affairs and none of the officers were found to have committed any wrongdoing.

 The incident transpired on 23 July at the Sokolov train station. After disembarking from a train, a group of aggressive young men first assaulted young Romani children who were playing there.

The men later also attacked adults. Several Romani people suffered minor injuries and one woman's arm was broken by the aggressors.

Eyewitnesses said that during the brawl, the group of youths shouted "Black swine, we'll kill you, to the gas chambers with you!" at the Romani people. The police later confirmed that some of the attackers were "ultras", fanatical followers of a team that plays at the top of the Czech national football league.



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