‘We want to talk’: The cultural revolution of José Heredia Maya

Sixties and seventies. Last decades of Franco's dictatorship in the midst of a climate of international political effervescence. José Heredia Maya began to develop the idea together with Mario Maya while he was immersed in an intense activity between the Poetry Department and the Flamenco Studies Seminar at the University of Granada. The final show would premiere in January 1976 with the production of José María Ojeda, with a script and poetry by José Heredia himself and with the stage direction of the also mentioned dancer and choreographer Mario Maya Fajardo (1937-2008). On stage, the voices of flamenco singers such as Gómez de Jerez and Antonio Cuevas, El Piki. The dance of Concha Vargas and the guitars of Paco Cortés and El Chuscales would do the rest: history. To commemorate the author of that momentous work, Camelamos naquerar, the University of Granada has just reissued all of his writings. Six hundred pages that bring together poems and stage dramas, commitment and denunciation, with the gypsy people as the protagonist.


Link https://www.lamarea.com/2021/10/08/camelamos-naquerar-jose-heredia-maya/?fbclid=IwAR0gJPmyETtXHceAPHG11nMXafUD4CfhRWAz8rpOX_lRcAs5zEArq0KQNp8

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