Czech authorities to introduce one-time path to debt forgiveness starting this month

The Czech state will be forgiving the interest that has been charged on debt, attorney's fees related to debt, or penalties charged in relation to debt, all of which are referred to as "accessory charges" to debt, for debtors involved in collections proceedings where the creditor is a public institution, on the condition that the debtor pay off the principal for the original debt to the collections agent in full between 28 October 2021 and 28 January 2022. The measure, called "Summer of Mercy", was adopted by Parliament in July and will allow creditors to access the revenue owed from bad debts and allow debtors to repay debts that they have failed to repay due to the high cost of the accessory charges. 

Tens of thousands of people will have a chance of returning to life as normal again if they manage to resolve their debt. The phrase "Summer of Mercy" references a concept mentioned in the Bible. 



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