Czech Spolu (Together) coalition: Education is the path to better integration of Roma, "inadaptables" don't want to conform

The path to better integration of disadvantaged groups, including Romani people, is high-quality education. That is the message of the Spolu (Together) coalition's response to interview questions sent by news server

According to Spolu, the correct path is, for example, that of awarding scholarships to Romani high school and college students. "Positive motivation could contribute to more young Romani students striving for the better future that a quality education can provide them. There are already many Romani men and women today in this society who are successful lawyers, physicians, musicians, teachers or architects," said Spolu representatives - but they refused to distance themselves from the use of the "inadaptable" label, which in their view refers to those who have not adapted their behavior and life philosophy to the customs and values of the majority society, and who don't even want to do so.



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