Netherlands unveils memorial to Holocaust victims with names of 102 000 Jews, Roma and Sinti murdered by the Nazis

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA) reports that the National Holocaust Names Memorial (Nationaal Holocaust Namenmonument) has been officially unveiled in Amsterdam after the resolution of legal disputes that lasted several years. King Willem-Alexander attended the ceremonial unveiling in person.

The memorial was designed by Daniel Libeskind, a Polish-American architect, and it was initiated by the Netherlands Auschwitz Committee (Nederlands Auschwitz Comité). It is the first memorial to include the names of all 102 000 Jews, Roma and Sinti from the Netherlands who were murdered during the Second World War by the Nazis. Financed mostly by donations, the memorial is located in Amsterdam's city center, near the Jewish Quarter. It is built of brick walls past which visitors walk.



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