Five Romani men and women are running in Czech elections to the lower house, one for ANO, two for the Greens, two for ultranationalist party

At least five Romani men and women are running this year in the elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic; news server has reviewed the candidate lists for each political group published on, the Czech Statistical Office's official website tracking elections, and identified the candidates who are known to be Romani there. One Romani man, Marcel Ščuka, is running for the currently-governing ANO movement, while two other Romani candidates, Anna Chválová and Emil Voráč, are running for the Green Party, and two Romani candidates are running for the "Freedom and Direct Democracy" movement of Tomio Okamura. 

The elections will be held on 8 and 9 October. A total of 22 electoral groupings have submitted their candidate lists for the elections to the Chamber of Deputies this year. 



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