Why are Roma more difficult to get a job in the public sector?

The latest results of the Balkan Barometer, an annual survey conducted by the Regional Cooperation Council, show that 9 per cent of employers in the Western Balkans said they would not hire Roma, regardless of their qualifications, and 15 per cent said engaging Roma in their company would have a negative impact. to the working atmosphere In Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are no accurate data on how many Roma are employed in the public sector.

However, many researches and examples from practice show that Roma find it harder to get a job in institutions, and that it is harder for them to get a chance from other people.

In addition, due to long-term inadequate involvement in educational processes, the vast majority of the working-age Roma population is a low-skilled workforce, which prevents them from applying for a large number of jobs. According to some surveys, the total employment of Roma in Bosnia and Herzegovina is only 11 percent.

A regional survey recently found that 9 per cent of employers in the Western Balkans said they would not hire Roma, regardless of their qualifications.


Link: http://www.portal-udar.net/zaposljavanje-zasto-romi-teze-dolaze-do-posla-u-javnom-sektoru/

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