Macedonia has adopted a national plan to immunize the population of Covid -19

At last night's session, the Government decided to carry out the vaccination in three phases. In each of them different categories of citizens will be covered according to the primary quantities of available vaccines, the vulnerable categories will have priority.

According to the health authorities, the existing health infrastructure and the professional staff working in this field are sufficient for the immunization process. At the moment when a larger number of vaccines will arrive, it is planned to include more vaccine teams, and more points will be opened. The My Tremin system will play a key role in the implementation of the vaccination.

-According to the plan, we will be vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine and the process will take place in the mentioned three phases from the beginning of February, says Muamet Hoxha, a spokesman for the Government.

The first announced 8,000 phaser vaccines from Serbia are expected in February, and later in the month the 5,850 doses directly agreed with the manufacturer are expected. According to the plan, these vaccines will be used for the employees in the covid centers.

The hope for a quick mass vaccination is now in the Chinese 200,000 vaccines, for which more details are expected by the end of the week.

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