Roma in Macedonia have the least trust by other ethnic communities

The Roma community is the least accepted and at the same time a community that enjoys the lowest trust of the other communities in the Republic of Northern Macedonia.

This fact is generally known among the nationalities living in the country.

According to the nationalities living on the territory of RS Macedonia, the most acceptable for neighbors, friends, spouses, co-workers, employees, etc. are members of the Macedonian ethnic community, and the second most accepted community is the Turkish ethnic community.

In all these respects, the Roma community is at the very bottom of this list. The least accepted, as well as the community that enjoys the lowest trust from other communities is the Roma community.

This means that the Roma as a whole are undesirable as neighbors, at the same time as spouses and colleagues at work.

At the same time, according to the perception of the other communities, everyone is with the conclusion that the Roma are still perceived as the most discriminated community, but still enjoy the lowest trust from other communities.

The second ethnic community, after the Roma, with which they would cooperate the least and have the lowest trust, is the Albanian ethnic community.

But unlike the Roma, according to the perception, the Albanians are the most privileged community in the country.

This is a clear illustration of the relations between the different communities in the Republic of Northern Macedonia, and points to the importance of creating inclusive education and the need for practical implementation of the "One Society for All" strategy.

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