The initiative of women from Suto Orizari marks the anniversary of the absence of a family gynecologist in the municipality of Suto Orizari!

The long-standing problem with not having a gynecologist in the largest Roma municipality in the world - Suto Orizari, can never end. On that occasion, the Initiative of women from Suto Orizari marks the anniversary of the absence of a family gynecologist in the municipality of Suto Orizari, and sent a statement to the media where it says:
8,000-13,000 women in the reproductive period do not have a registered gynecologist in Suto Orizari, although we are in the middle of a pandemic of covid-19 after the gynecologist closed his gynecological practice a year ago.
Although the Ministry of Health announced the opening of a new gynecological practice, it is still not open and the reproductive health of women in our municipality has been at risk for a long time.
The initiative of women from Suto Orizari appeals to the Ministry of Health to urgently complete the procedure for starting work at the gynecological office in Suto Orizari, as well as to provide a permanent solution to provide access to gynecological services for Romani women, reads the statement at the end of this statement. from the Women's Initiative from Suto Orizari.

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