Column by Zoran Dimov: The census in April 2021 is important for Roma as well. "Do not be afraid, do not be ashamed of who you are. The number of Roma is important "

According to the announcements, the next census in R.N. Macedonia should be held in April 2021. I should not mention that this statistical census operation is very important for the Roma community, except for the others. Like it or not, the importance is imposed and in our country the numbers that will solve many other important state, social and political benefits are very important. According to the last census, Roma were about 2.6% or just over 56 thousand Roma.
According to estimates by the Roma NGO sector, that number is now almost 80% higher and the number is close to 100,000 Roma. In April 2021, it is important for everyone who registers to declare what they really are.
We are also witnesses that a large number of Roma like it or not, all these years they have "melted2" into everything else but not the Roma. Such a trend is in western Macedonia where in the past they merged into Albanians, in the Vardar region into Macedonians, and in the east and southeast into Turks.
In my opinion, it is time to change this habit. If we want greater prosperity of the Roma community in the country, we need to become aware and be what we have been for centuries, and that is Roma. That is why I think that all of us Roma, regardless of political, religious or social affiliation and status, should say clearly and loudly who we are. That is why it is necessary to make a campaign that can facilitate this decision. That campaign should be titled "Do not be afraid, do not be ashamed of who you are. The number of Roma is important “Only in this way will such a campaign motivate and encourage this suffering marginalized people to declare themselves as they are / Roma.
It's time to open our eyes, it's time to stop manipulating numbers. It is time to know the exact number in the segments of administrative representation. This figure is also important for shaping the future strategy of the Roma, for their representation in all state institutions, for employment and political representation in both the Parliament and the Government. Because the Roma still pay taxes and all taxes to the state and are not spared anything. The truth can be reached with courage and openness.
That is why the census in April 2021 is very important for the future of all nations, as well as for the Roma in the country. Because that representation will also depend on the state level. And that representation can also contribute to the progress of the country, and thus to the Roma community. The number is important because the EU wants it too. That is why I will repeat, "Do not be afraid, do not be ashamed of who you are. The number of Roma is important "

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