Malchan barber in Serbia sentenced to life in prison

Ninoslav Jovanovic, better known as Malchanski barber, was sentenced to life in prison for abusing a minor girl from Brzi Brod. The verdict was first instance and was passed in the High Court shortly after 11 am, in the presence of the family of the injured minor, as well as numerous journalists. Jovanovic was not present at the trial.
Jovanovic did not attend the sentencing.
The lawsuit against Jovanovic, 46, better known as the barber from Malkan because he cut his victims' hair, was closed to the public to protect the interests of the minor.
The Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Nis filed charges against Jovanovic at the end of March last year, but due to the protection of the interests of the juvenile victim in this case, the legal qualification of the crime he is charged with was not announced. The investigation against Jovanovic was conducted due to the criminal acts of kidnapping and rape of a child, for which he is threatened with imprisonment from ten years to life imprisonment.
Jovanovic has already been jailed twice for rape, kidnapping and abuse, once for 10 years and a second time for 12 years. He kidnapped the last victim on December 20, 2019, on the way to school. He hid with her in abandoned houses and cottages on the move from Nis to Knjazevac. The girl was found on December 28, 2019 in Pasjaca, near Nis, after a chase involving members of the Ministry of Interior and the Army of Serbia, the gendarmerie and numerous associations of citizens, hunters and mountaineers. Seven days later, Jovanovic was caught in the village cemetery in his native village of Malca.
The parents of the girl Monica.K themselves say that they are satisfied with the verdict.
"Today we are very happy because we finished one part, more precisely everything. We thank the court and the police who were with us all the time, and the "Barber of Mlac" received the deserved punishment "were the words of the mother Alexandra K.

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